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1张玉娟2015年5月ECO-environmental quality evaluation and dynamic ecological patterns for Songhua River watershed in Harbin Section ,ChinaNature Environment and Pollution Technology20151700779354EI会议论文
2曹先革2015年5月Construction and practice of surveying and mapping engineering specialty practice teaching systemInternational Conference on Education Reform and Modern ManagementWOS:000340798700062ISSHP会议论文
3杨金玲2015年6月Educational innovation and practice of the theory of geographic iformation system based on CDIOInternational Conference on Education Reform and Modern ManagementWOS:000340798700077ISSHP会议论文
4曹先革2015年6月Research on full-polarimetric interference image classificationGeo-Information in Resource Management and Sustainable Ecosystem20150700512318EI会议论文
5杨金玲2015年10月The Establishment of Forest Biomass Remote sensing Estimating Model By Partial Least SquaresEnvironment, Energy and Applied Technology20153801284741EI会议论文
6杨金玲2015年10月Research and Practice on Teaching Quality Continuous Improvement2014 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ECONOMIC, BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND EDUCATION INNOVATION (EBMEI 2014)WOS:000356315400008ISSHP会议论文
7刘江2014年10月The registration of high-resolution remote sensing image using multi-feature and multi-stage strategy(基于多特征的高分影像多阶段配准方法研究)IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium20144800241240EI会议论文
8倪春迪2014年11月The establishment of the digital elevation modelVehicle,Mechatronics and Information Technologies20134116828904EI会议论文


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